This template can be used for surveying clients, visitors or any other individual when they are anticipated to come into close contact with your facilities or members of your staff. This could be something sent prior to appointments, events or in general to minimise the risk of spread.
To apply this template in Pendula, simply select a scheduled flow and depending on how often you'd like this to be sent, set this to run on either a recurring frequency or as a once-off. We generally recommend sometime between 9am-12pm. This means that when it is triggered to run, it will send to all client records based on the criteria specified below:
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}}, In order to minimise the spread of COVID-19, please respond YES if you ANY of the following apply to you. Alternatively reply NO
Suggested Keywords:
Yes; yeah; Y
Field = COVID-19 Screening
Operator = equals
Value = Positive reply
Suggested Copy:
Thanks for informing us {{FirstName}}, a member of our team will be in touch shortly to discuss. Please DO NOT return to campus in the meantime.
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}},In order to minimise the spread of COVID-19, please respond YES if you ANY of the following apply to you. Alternatively reply NO
Suggested Keywords:
No; nope; N
Field = COVID-19 Screening
Operator = equals
Value = Negative reply
Suggested Copy:
Thanks {{FirstName}}, by replying your helping us keep our clients and team safe