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Sometimes it's just easier to show and tell - so let's put in some time for a custom demo and we chan share all our integrations in detail.

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integrations hub

Break down data silos and build next-level user journeys

Build meaningful conversations with your customers, where they're at. Limitless access to relevant data points provides enriched context.

Break down data silos and build next-level user journeys

Build meaningful conversations with your customers, where they're at.

Access all of your data sources

Add data at any point in your flows from our connector catalogue, or from a real-time data source.

Combine and update your records

Uncover insights from any system, and make iterations at any point. You can use foreign keys to link your data sources.

Connect with your customers

Use relevant data from your billing system, customer data platform, CRM or more to communicate more deeply with your customers.
Supercharge your data management

Build revolutionary journeys on top of your existing databases

The data points used to trigger a flow are just the beginning. Add meaningful insights at any point along the journey from our connector catalogue, or other live data sources.
Comprehensive data visualisation

Enrich your conversations with data from any source

Build better CX by leveraging the things you know about your customers. Pendula integrations hub allows you to access and update customer data from more than 80 sources to convert raw data into actionable insights.
Human-led automation

Deliver hyper-personalised experiences

Layer existing records with historical customer data, on the spot market insights, as well as real-time sentiment analysis, bringing it all together for unsurpassed 1-1 experiences at scale.

Connect to 80+ external applications

Let's unleash your creativity

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