This template can be used for providing updates and reminders to new students during orientation days or weeks. Whilst this template might only be required ad-hoc, it can be saved and repurposed for future use.
To apply this template in Pendula, simply select a scheduled flow and set this to run as a once-off. We generally recommend a time between 9am-12pm. This means that when it is scheduled to run, it will send to all student records based on the criteria specified below:
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}}, welcome to orientation week at {{CampusName}}! For more information visit the Orientation homepage: If you need assistance, please reply 'call' and our team will reach out.
Suggested Keywords:
Call; Call Me; Help
Field = Call Request
Operator = equals
Value = True
Suggested Copy:
Thanks {{FirstName}}, we'll have someone reach out as soon as possible