This template can be used for congratulating students upon acceptance of an offer as part of the enrolment process. It provides a way to inform students via SMS and enabling them to request a call for more information if necessary.
To apply this template in Pendula, simply select an event flow and set this to trigger when a record is edited. Include the criteria in your event trigger to send the flow whenever an enrolment is updated to the accepted stage and saved within your source data:
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}}, We're so excited you'll be joining us on the {{SemesterStartDate}} at {{CampusName}}. We can't wait to meet you. If you have any questions before arriving, simply reply CALL - we're here to help.
Suggested Keywords:
Call; Call Me; Help
Field = Call Request
Operator = equals
Value = True
Suggested Copy:
Thanks {{FirstName}}, we'll have someone reach out as soon as possible