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Funding Threshold Alerts

This template can be used for alerting clients when they hit thresholds in their funding balances.

Setup guide

To apply this template in Pendula, simply select an event flow and set this to trigger when a record is edited. This means that the moment a client's funding percentage drops beneath a certain threshold in your source data it will send automatically, in addition to the criteria specified below:

  • Funding Percentage <selector>is less than or equal to<selector> <value> (depending on where you wish to set this)
  • Service Agreement Status <selector>equals<selector> 'current' (if this information is available)

What's the difference?

  • Provide funding alert
  • Provide funding alert

Pendula flow

Outbound SMS

Suggested Copy:

Hi {{FirstName}}, Just letting you know that your funding balance is now at {{FundingPercentage}} remaining.