This template can be used for contacting individuals and/or their primary contacts in advance of a service being delivered. It provides both a way to remind an individual of an upcoming service in a timely manner, in addition to capturing their confirmation and intention by way of reply.
To apply this template in Pendula, simply select a scheduled flow and set this to run on a daily basis. We generally recommend a time between 9am-12pm. This means that each day, it will only pick up the relevant appointment/service bookings based on the criteria specified below:
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}}, This is a reminder for your upcoming appointment ({{Description}}) on {{StartDateTime}}. Please confirm your session by replying CONFIRM. Alternatively, should you wish to cancel please respond CANCEL.
Suggested Keywords:
Confirm; Confirmed; Yes; Y; Yep; Sure
Field = Client Confirmation
Operator = equals
Value = Confirmed
Suggested Copy:
Thanks for confirming your attendance {{FirstName}}, we're looking forward to seeing you there
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}}, This is a reminder for your upcoming appointment ({{Description}}) on {{StartDateTime}}. Please confirm your session by replying CONFIRM. Alternatively, should you wish to cancel please respond CANCEL.
Suggested Keywords:
Cancel; Cancelled; No; N; Can't make it; Reschedule
Field = Client Confirmation
Operator = equals
Value = Cancelled
Suggested Copy:
Thanks for letting us know {{FirstName}}, we'll be in touch shortly to reschedule. Alternatively, feel free to reach us on 9123 4567