This template can be used for contacting individuals and/or their primary contacts upon scheduling an appointment or service booking. It provides a way to inform clients that a service has been scheduled on their behalf, in addition to confirming the details with them.
To apply this template in Pendula, select an event flow and set this to trigger when a record is created. This means that the moment an appointment is input and saved into your source data, it will send automatically based on the criteria specified below:
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}},This is confirmation that your upcoming appointment ({{Description}}) has been scheduled for {{StartDateTime}} with {{WorkerName}} at {{Location}}.If any of this information is incorrect or you need to reschedule, please reply with CALL and we'll have one of our friendly team reach out.
Suggested Keywords:
Call; Call Me; Reschedule; Help
Field = Call Request
Operator = equals
Value = TRUE
Suggested Copy:
Thanks {{FirstName}}, we'll have someone reach out as soon as possible