This template can be used for contacting individuals and/or their primary contacts in response to a scheduled appointment date or time being changed. It provides a way to inform clients that their service has been changed, in addition to enabling them to request a call if required.
To apply this template in Pendula, simply select an event flow and set this to trigger when a record is edited. Subsequently set to when a field is edited, specifically the appointment start date or time. This means that upon modifying an appointment's start date or time in your source data, it will send automatically in addition to the criteria specified below:
Suggested Copy:
Hi {{FirstName}},confirming your appointment {{description}} on {{StartDateTime}} with {{WorkerName}} has been CHANGE.If this is an error, reply 'call' and our team will reach out.
Suggested Keywords:
Call; Call Me; Help
Field = Call Request
Operator = equals
Value = True
Suggested Copy:
Thanks {{FirstName}}, we'll have someone reach out as soon as possible